021 4826759 info@jsorensen.ie


Joshua Sorensen Ltd has significant experience of complex engineering projects from Site Development works, HDPE water main, Deep drainage, Marine outfalls, Cofferdams and pumping stations.

HDPE Watermian

Fusion Welded HDPE Watermain including all associated fittings and chambers constructed to Irish Water Specification

Foul Sewer 5.50m Deep

This foul sewer was constructed on a main road with strict working hours which meant the complete works had to be demobilised and backfilled each evening to have the road open for rush hour traffic. Limestone rock was present for the full depth of the trench.

6.00m Deep Manhole

Precast concrete manhole including a precast base benched to the angle required for the foul sewer.

Road Realignment

The road was realigned to allow for an additional right turning lane into the estate and a cycle path. Works involved widening of existing road, ESB ducting and watermain diversion.


Sheet pilled cofferdam with hydraulic frames including temporary works design

Sheet Piles

9.00m piles in a guide frame about to be driven

Pumping Station

Precast pumping station with emergency 24 hour storage in case of pump failure or power outage

Road Reinstatement

Full Lane reinstatement including traffic management after installing foul sewer